State Farm customers can save on car insurance in participating states with its “Drive Safe and Save” program. This optional program is a kind of pay per usage program where your insurance premium correlates to how many miles you drive every six months.
The DSS program is currently offered in the following states: Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Washington. However, enrollment in this program using Ford’s Sync program is going to be initially limited to the State of Utah.
The DSS program is currently offered in the following states: Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Washington. However, enrollment in this program using Ford’s Sync program is going to be initially limited to the State of Utah.
Chevrolet’s OnStar program steals the spotlight with the DSS program, nearly being the only way to enroll. However, few states, like California, give you the option of self-reporting your mileage before policy renewal according to State Farm. If you’d like to learn more about State Farm’s DSS program available in your state, click here.
Like OnStar, Ford’s Sync telematics system can generate accurate mileage usage reports and e-mail them to State Farm directly. This system comes standard or is available as an option on most 2009 Ford models and newer versions.
Pros and Cons of Information Sharing
Information sharing can be a double-edged sword, so you will have to weigh the benefits of enrolling in this program. Do you drive around 1000 miles per month? If so, it might be well worth enrolling. According to CNET, “The typical policy holder who drives 1,000 miles a month and enrolls in DSS can expect to save around 10 percent, according to a Ford news statement. Low mileage drivers can save as much as 40 percent on premiums.”
Conversely, if you happen to go over your planned mileage count, you could see your rates go up. So, depending on how much you drive, you can see your premium numbers fluctuate at policy renewal time. CNET states that it will most likely be worth it for those who use their car for pleasure as opposed to commuting. Families with additional cars in the garage that get seldom used may also benefit.
Get excellent tips about how you can further reduce your insurance costs with Ford vehicles at our website.
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